Ask Boylan and Balfe: bridal makeup

Ask Boylan and Balfe: bridal makeup
By  | May 11, 2007

Last week you submitted your bridal makeup queries and the fantastic makeup experts Boylan and Balfe have answered them all for you! A huge thanks to Boylan and Balfe for this - and of course if you want to know more and go on one of their brilliant courses then head over to their website for all the information.

Now there were loads of questions, so I'm just posting up the first five now, and I'll put up the rest over the weekend!

Q What's the best foundation to wear?

A We find that either Armani Hydra Glow is great for someone who needs some coverage or MAC Face and Body for someone who needs a medium coverage: it's very light and therefore great for someone who doesn't like the feel of foundation too much

Q What foundation will last all day?

A The most important factor in having your makeup last all day is to not put too much moisturiser underneath. We recommend that you moisturise well the night before and leave your skin bare for the makeup application the next day. Most liquid foundations will last all day with minimal moisturiser beneath and powder applied on top. We don't like to recommend compact foundations as they tend to separate on the skins surface and need constant re-touching which will lead to the skin becoming caked - never a good look for a bride!

Q I'm getting married abroad in a hot country. What makeup will stand up to the heat?


A MAC Face and Body is ideal in the heat. It is lightweight yet still has coverage and as it has a watery texture it bonds better to the skin in the heat. If a foundation is too oil-based you will look like a grease- ball as the temperature rise! Remember your SPF underneath - no bride wants to get sunburnt on her big day.

Q I'm worried my makeup will look too yellow in the photos, help?

A It is vital to get a foundation that matches your skin tone will look yellow if you try to go darker than your natural tones. If you are wearing fake tan, you must match your body to your face or you will look uneven. Generally a yellow toned foundation suits most of us and helps to balance any redness in the skin so yellow toned foundation are not the enemy, just keep them natural. Go to a counter or consult a makeup artist for advice on a tone for you.

Q Which false lashes are the best?

A Eyelure individual lashes are our favourite. They area available in most big chemists. Apply them using a glue called Duo Adhesive, a surgical glue that you can get in MAC or Makeup Forever. Individual lashes are much more natural and easy to wear and apply than the strip lashes which tend to lift at either end after a few hours.

Wow! Talk about knowing your stuff - fantastic advice! Remember Boylan and Balfe will be anwering more of your bridal makeup questions over the weekend - so stay tuned to!