Battle Of The Budget Makeup Brands! Where To Buy Catrice, essence, Wet n Wild

Battle Of The Budget Makeup Brands! Where To Buy Catrice, essence, Wet n Wild
By  | Jan 25, 2014

Wet n Wild (I'm sorry but THAT NAME! Spring Break anyone?) may have triumphantly landed in Ireland, as we reported earlier in the week (have a look at what we thought) - but where does this leave our current budget faves Catrice and essence?

And more importantly where are they to be found now?

Wet n Wild now reside in Dunnes and have overthrown Catrice and essence.  Fear not though, you can still pick up C+e  in Penneys and chemists.

They have no intention of leaving us.  Hurrah!  And in case anyone was having a knicker fit with the worry, we'll be showing you the new essence collection vay soon.  You can see some of it above.


Are we set for a showdown at sundown (or something)? Will you remain loyal to essence and spurn W'n'W?  Perhaps you turn your nose up at the lot of them?

Or will you giddily embrace the prospect of MORE MAKEUP and buy from all three brands?

To the comments with the quickness  and tell us!