Fix: The Most Popular Stories on Fix: The Most Popular Stories on
By  | Dec 8, 2015

This week, we've be mostly deciphering Mac's somewhat confusing foundation labels, showcasing five foundations to suit cool skin tones, looking at the evolution of Kaley Cuoco's style, suggesting some key items that won't see you scrambling home from the office to change before the Christmas party, while also shining a spotlight on Hyaluronic Acid.

1. Ever Wonder Why Mac Label Foundations So Confusingly?
We do, ALL the time

2. The Ultimate Bridal Survival Kit
Getting hitched? You'll need to read this so

3. 5 Fab Foundations Over €30
Tailored for those seeking cool skin tones
We have

4. Style Evolution
This week, we're looking at Kaley Cuoco

5. Key Pieces to Take You from Office to Xmas Party
You don't have to go home to change, promise


6. The Jameson Black Barrel Craft Market
All the photos, right here

7. Tutorial!
UD x Gwen Stefani Palette

8. The Truth Behind Hyaluronic Acid
It works...

9. WIN! WIN! WIN! 
Boots Star Gift Revealed!

10. Best Beauty Looks of the Week
A handy gallery for some beauty inspo