Guide to Gorgeous launches in Brown Thomas Dublin 17th Oct - you're invited! Guide to Gorgeous launches in Brown Thomas Dublin 17th Oct - you're invited!
By  | Oct 2, 2009

The Brown Thomas Beauty Hall is without question's Temple of Worship.

So what better place to hold the launch of our very own brand new book? And who better to launch it than Amy Huberman, one of Ireland's loveliest girls?

And to make it all perfect we need YOU to be there! That's right, all our friends from the blog, all the Beaut.ies, everyone who reads and laughs with us and ooohs and aaahs over all the latest finds and treatments and products.


The book is hard back, full colour and literally crammed with product recommendations, tips and stories - and advice from Mammy and a few others... And who knows - you could be in the book - we've got tons of comments from the blog in there.

So you're invited. Formally, officially invited. Put the 17th Oct down in your diary, send an email to to let us know that you're coming - and we'll see you then!

The Guide to Gorgeous launch will be held between 12noon and 2pm on 17th Oct 2009 in Brown Thomas Dublin. Luxury goodie treat bags for the first 100 to get their book signed!