loves LoveLula! loves LoveLula!
By  | Jan 19, 2007

Love Lula the organic apothecary
makes me happy just browsing the site. Much more then an online beauty shop it's fresh, fun and seriously commited to gorgeous ethically produced cosmetics. Great values, fantastic products, expert advice: we are seriously liking LoveLula at

Love Lula stocks a big range of fabulous organic, cruelty free brands - some you'll have heard of - Burts Bees, Weleda, Lavera and others you might not have - Suki, Badger, Trilogy and many more. With tips on what to choose and advice on a wide range of skin types, products for men, babies, rosecea, acne you're sure to find something special.


My top tip for the site is the starter packs. Brilliant value, these let you sample a whole new range before shelling out for the full sizes. Try the Lavere or Suki sets, they're great. This month you'll get free Lavera Rose Bath Salts when you spend over £10 on Lavera. Yum! You get bonus points for everything you buy - like a Love Lula advantage card you can build these up to spend on products. And you get 3 free samples with every order.