Wonders: What's Your Least Favourite Beauty Bit? Wonders: What's Your Least Favourite Beauty Bit?
By  | Oct 16, 2009

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror one night last week as I applied the second go of my Sanctuary cleanser to tackle the day's slap, I sighed and thought to myself: this takes all the fun out of wearing make-up.

My name is Lynnie, and I hate cleansing.

It's the only part of the beauty routine that I don't like. I'll happily do DIY defuzzing, hair colouring, eyebrow maintaining, upper lip Jolen-ing - all that time-consuming jazz and much, much more besides with nary a grumble. And I adore every aspect of make-up application, have an addiction to nail varnish that's bordering on the unhealthy, and very much enjoy all the elements of skincare that don't involve taking off my make-up.


Ok, having a lovely pot of fancy cleanser that encourages you to make a "you time" ritual of the whole thing takes the sting out of the cleansing process to some degree. But ultimately, while it is of course a necessary evil, it's just so damn boring. Not to mention bloody dangerous: I can't tell you the number of times that I've stood a bit too close to the mirror while cleansing and wound up with a face full of squeezed blackheads and non-spots that have been prodded and poked to within an inch of their lives.

Still, I don't actually hate my skin so you won't catch me trying to take a cleansing cloth short cut. And until we evolve to a point where we shed our skin, snake-like, at the end of every day I suppose I'll just have to keep on truckin'. Le sigh.

There's no shame in admitting it and you'll find no judgement here, so tell us - what's your least favourite beauty bit?