Beaut.ienomics: swap Tweezerman for Bourjois tweezers

Beaut.ienomics: swap Tweezerman for Bourjois tweezers
By  | May 28, 2009

It might sound like heresy to suggest swapping any form of tweezer for the much lauded Tweezerman - after all Tweezerman are's best loved gadget. We've found good cheap alternatives though - and here's another one to try.

The new Bourjois tweezers are Very Good Indeed. Looking very familiar indeed (wonder where they got the idea eh?) these tweezers are slant tipped which means they're ideal for tweezing out even those annoying tiny little brow hairs that manage to mess everything up.


Good grip, good precision - so give these a go if you're in the market for a new tweezers - they work! And every house needs a daycent pair of tweezers doesn't it?