At a push, we could live without foundation, but concealer? No way!
Even a complete coffee fiend like me knows that nothing perks up tired eyes in quite the same way as a good concealer does.
But what makes a concealer good? Is it simply being high coverage or is there more to it? Do you have to spend or invest in a product to get the best results? A while back, I did a test involving three mascaras; two were luxury and one was from a budget-friendly brand. The general consensus was that in that instance, the luxe mascara came out on top. But will that be the same with our three concealers?
I've chosen three concealers that I really like and use all the time when I'm working. Variety is the spice of life for a makeup artist; it's important that we have different products to choose from and understand the merits of each. Below you can see concealers A, B and C.
Concealer A / B / C
In terms of application, all were very smooth to apply. I decided to use my ring finger to blend, but you could just as easily use a sponge or a blending brush.
A and C have more of a liquid texture which gives a refreshing, hydrating feel when you apply them. B is also a liquid concealer, but is less fluid in consistency, applying more as a light cream. Because of this, it dries quicker and needs less power to set it (otherwise it can look a little cakey). Staying power was good for all three, but B and C definitely have the edge, lasting well into the evening, versus A, which needed topping up at the end of the day.
Taking into account performance, application and staying power, both B and C did very well with C just pipping it to the post for me. For days where I'd skip foundation, concealer A offers a really smoothing finish that looks natural. But as we all know, sometimes price can be the real deciding factor. So, what concealers are they?
Bareminerals Bareskin / Bourjois Healthy Mix / Clarins Instant Light
A = BareMinerals BareSkin Complete Coverage Serum Concealer €26
B = Bourjois Healthy Mix Concealer €9.99
C = Clarins Instant Concealer €26
Did you spot the high street buy? Do you use any of these too?