Best Words in the English Langauge: Free & Goody Bag

Best Words in the English Langauge: Free & Goody Bag
By  | Jul 1, 2011

Queuing to pay for their purchases at last Saturday's Benefit event, I was chatting to some of the girls who had come along. Clutching the goody bags they'd been given (bloody brilliant - they got Benefit Tweezerman Tweezers, B.right skincare luxury sample sizes, gloss and other bits) we pondered our favourite words in the English Language.

"Hmm," I asked, "is goody bag your absolute favourite thing to hear?"

"No way!" one girl replied, laughing, "free is!"

Oh yeah, she had a point.  Still, goody bag is definitely one of my favourite things to have said to me, and I said to the gal and her pal that they'd definitely inspired a poll on So here it is. Free or goody bag, ladies - which sounds sweeter to thine ears?


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