Bobbi Brown Longwear Foundation is a winner: really stays put and comes in tons of shades

Bobbi Brown Longwear Foundation is a winner: really stays put and comes in tons of shades
By  | Dec 9, 2012

We’re all foundation fiends here at and I'm no different.  Bobbi Brown’s Long-Wear Even Finish Foundation is my latest beauty crush.  It's the latest foundation from the brand, and in terms of a great foundation, it’s a winner.  I’ve always loved Bobbi for foundations because they look natural, are kind to the skin and stay put for hours.

 This one does all that and more. Even Finish replaced the Natural Finish Foundation and I found it goes on better, as this is water based (the Natural Finish was not and this caused my combination skin to go flaky in places). It glides on, covering any imperfection and, with its medium to full coverage formula, still looks light and natural even if you decide to add an extra layer on a bad day.

It also has an SPF 15, which protects the skin further.  It is oil free, so if you have really dry skin this might cause an issue, but as I mentioned, it's water based which does mean it won’t overly dry out the skin.

It comes in 19 shades  - the palest being Porcelain and the darkest being Espresso – so there is a shade to match virtually any skin tone.
There’s also a reason it’s called long wear foundation: it really stays put. The box boasts that it will stay put for a solid 12 hours, and it ain’t lyin.’  Even if you happen to be legging it down the street for that bus in the lashings of rain, it is not gonna move.

Yay!  I really found this to be one of the best features of it as a whole, because my skin gets very oily around the t-zone and usually I always have to retouch a foundation in that area particularly (this is a painstaking task for me, and I’m sure I’m not alone).


But not with this baby, oh no. I put it on and there it stayed as the hours willed away, and there wasn’t an oily chin in sight.

It’s €38, which is fairly standard as far as foundations go, but if you’re on a budget get a tester and save up for the full bottle as a little goes a long way with this one. You only need a max of two pumps to cover the entire face, so the 30ml bottle will last for months. The packaging looks good: clean and simple. In terms of putting the foundation on, I found buffing it on with a brush worked out the best and used the least amount of product; I get an even, air brushed look this way.

The only thing I can have a moan about with this one is the colour. Bobbi’s fairest shade, Alabaster was the perfect match for me and to my horror was discontinued, as you all may know. Now the fairest is Porcelain, which is a tad off for me. I find I had to mix it with a lighter foundation to get an exact colour match. I was told they did make it lighter to compensate, but if this really was the case it was lost on me, as the Porcelain is still too dark.

This however, will not be an issue for everyone, so those of you with a normal skin tone, go forth and purchase this super duper foundation.  (Those of you with really pale skin take a look at this post: Six great foundations for super fair skin and Ten foundations for Irish and Celtic skintones.)
