Brand New Strrrrrrrrrrretchy Shadows from Bourjois

Brand New Strrrrrrrrrrretchy Shadows from Bourjois
By  | Jun 4, 2008

Have to say gals, Bourjois are totally impressing me recently. We've had a preview look at the swish and on-trend Rouge Hi-Tech lip stains already (heads up: they're in-store now), and today it's the turn of the swanky new Ombre Stretch shadows to be given the lowdown.

These, m'dears, are fab. 8 great shades of these elastic powders make making-up a cinch, because the formulation really does stretch, thanks to the inclusion of nylon micro-spheres which allow it to wing out without looking jagged.


Great colours (Intense Black, Maxi Blanc, Or Extensible, Flexi Brown, Vert Etirable, Rose Elastique, Violet Profond, Stretching Denim, Brun Nylon and Bleu Elasthane) with loads of pigment, the shadows also come in a little box with a mirror plus a daycent brush - though I found that they're so pliable, you can get a good result even with your fingers.

Not too shabby for about €10ish, eh?