Breaking News! Fade Out Eye Cream Spotted in Chemist!

Breaking News! Fade Out Eye Cream Spotted in Chemist!
By  | Jun 6, 2007

Intrepid reader Jill just sent us this electronic mail style communique about Fade Out - and of course being the diligent beauty scavengers that we are, we rushed to post it up immediately.

Here's a bit of background - a good few weeks ago now, we blogged about a product called Fade Out Eye Cream, which caused a mass stampede to everyones nearest chemist - but no one could find the damn stuff. We had reports of hassled pharmacists in Rathmines pulling their hair out over this seemingly inexplicable desire for a product they'd never heard of. But Jill has been on the case...


"If you'd like to spread the word to the others that are searching for it: I can officially report that there are 4 tubes of fade out eye cream sitting on the shelf in the Gallery Quay pharmacy at 9.99 each! I bought one and only didn't buy more because i picked up one in a Superdrug in Edinburgh a couple of weeks ago. The pharmacy here ordered it for me, and called me when it was in which was nice of them. Its on the left just before the bridge over to Ringsend as you go down Pearse St out of town."

Yay! Thanks Jill!