Breaking up is hard to do: but who hurts most? Boys or girls?

Breaking up is hard to do: but who hurts most? Boys or girls?
By  | Aug 3, 2010

I put up a post recently about frenemies and toxic friends but the comments didn't go exactly the way I thought they would.

Instead of a discussion about friends who are more trouble than they're worth and can be a bit of a drag sometimes, there was a genuine outpouring of tales of loss. Friendships that people had assumed were for life dissolving, and bonds that were once thought to be unshakeable melting away, once school or college were over.

Finding out that you and the gang no longer had much in common hurt. Hurt like hell.

Because you don't expect other girls to hurt you. You've been there for each other through thick and thin, supporting one another through good times and bad, sharing fear and anxieties and always loyal.


Reading the comments I was struck by the fact that although girls expect guys to be the ones who'll break their hearts and are alert and almost accepting of this: when it's another female doing the dumping it's much much worse.

So which do you think is harder. Breaking up with a man? Or a close girlfriend?

To the comments and don't spare the horses.