Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz: IsaDora VibraLash Mascara

Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz: IsaDora VibraLash Mascara
By  | Feb 19, 2010

We've read the buzz about Lancôme Ôscillation, we've pulsed with excitement about Estée Lauder Turbolash, and now it seems that every other beauty brand and their mother are lepping on the vibrating mascara bandwagon. IsaDora are the latest crowd to get in on the craze with their new battery-operated VibraLash mascara, €19.95.

What's a bit different about this offering is that you can choose  from three speeds of vibration. The blurb sez "Choose the speed best suitable for your lashes!" enabling you to ramp up the vibrations for a more dramatic look. It's a cool idea and a nice USP, but I sez: Unless you particularly enjoy the sensation of being tickled in the eye, it's unlikely that you'll actually be able to use second or third gear. Because even if you can pop contact lenses in and out at the drop of a hat or used to enjoy freaking out your siblings/classmates as a kid by touching your own eyeball, the feel of this mascara wand buzzing furiously in your lashes in anything other than first is simply unbearable.

Still, kudos to IsaDora for the actual mechanics of the vibrating function. Unlike TurboLash which turns itself on as you unscrew the cap, which annoyed the control freak in me muchly, this just has a clicky "On/Speed Up/Off" button that you can operate in your own time. And there's a little protective cap for the button so that your new vibrating mascara doesn't accidentally activate in your bag, which could lead to some, eh, interesting conversations.


In terms of how my lashes looked when using VibraLash (in first gear), well, they weren't clumpy. Of course, they weren't a whole heck of a lot of anything else, either - blacker and more defined and separated, yes, but that was about the height of it. If you like your mascaras to curl and give the illusion of length and thickness, this is not the mascara for you. (Or me. I like full-on lashes at all times.)

If, on the other hand, you favour quite a subtle look for daytime or are blessed with naturally curly lashes and are dying to have a go of a vibrating mascara, then I'd say give it a whirl!