Are you just a little too full of yourself? Why Irish women can't take a compliment

Are you just a little too full of yourself? Why Irish women can't take a compliment
By  | Aug 20, 2010

Irish women can't take a compliment, it's a well known fact. We immediately rush to discount any type of generous wordage lest the world should think we are too full of ourselves. And we would rather die than be too full of ourselves.

So even though we spend a fortune on hair and clothes and makeup we'd rather die than admit they actually do anything for us - or god forbid even suit us. Take this typical scenario:

"You look lovely today. Your dress is gorgeous"

"What this dress? (looks down at dress in disgust). Oh god sure that's an old rag"

"No it's lovely, really suits you"

"I have it ages. It's completely out of fashion" (Not true. I got it the other day after seeing it in a magazine)

"Looks great though"


"Oh it's a piece of crap. It was so cheap, I got it in the sales in Penneys. Probably because no one else would buy it" (That's an utter lie, it didn't come from Penneys, it cost a week's salary and I was on a waiting list for it)

"It's very flattering"

"Well it might be better if I wasn't so fat. I've put on loads of weight. Look at me - I'm like Jabba the Hut." (I'm the same weight I've been for years)

Maeve Higgins parodied this really well in Fancy Vittles (if anyone can find the link to this segment, post it in the comments). Is this you? Do you immediately rush to disbelieve a compliment. In case people would think you were too full of yourself?

Why can't we just be gracious, smile and say thank you?