Come The Zombie Apocalypse, What Will Be The First Part of Your Routine to Go?

Come The Zombie Apocalypse, What Will Be The First Part of Your Routine to Go?
By  | Jun 2, 2011

Barring lipstick, I have other interests in life, namely the solo and combined musical works of Rick Froberg and John Reiss, the films of Chevy Chase, where's good to brunch about town, five-star hotels I'd like to stay in, cats, the parlous state of my bank balance, really terrible disaster movies and the deep, intellectual thoughts of Jilly Cooper and Judith Krantz.

And also, what to do when the Zombie Apocalypse happens.

This stuff's important, girls. And yes, this blog post was brought on by catching the first episode of The Walking Dead, starring, er, Egg from This Life. So far, so derivative - the opening scene pretty much came straight out of 28 Days Later and there's more than a nod to the king of the undead himself, George A Romero. But hey, I'll watch it - because I love stuff to do with zombies and I like to file all the various mad skillz for dispensing with them away in my brain for the day when, y'know, it might come in handy.


But then I started to think. When - not if - the Zombie Apocalypse happens, I'm probably not going to be too concerned about filling in my brows of a morning. A full face of slap's possibly going to have to take a back seat to basic survival and unless I can figure out how to wield a sawn-off shotgun with one paw as I apply my lipstick with the other, I might have to give up that too.

It's a dilemma - so I need your help. What do you reckon we'll have to ditch once the zombies take over? Will leg-shaving have to go or would that be ok, given that a razor will be involved and could be used as a weapon? Perhaps makeup brushes could be sharpened and poked into mushy zombie brains should they sneak up on us mid smokey eye?

I know you've got more smart makeup-related defense strategies - dish in the comments and lets see what sort of routine we reckon we could maintain to keep the side up!