Comfort Wipes: NOT for your face...

Comfort Wipes: NOT for your face...
By  | Jun 19, 2009

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I've only recently hopped onboard the Twitter bandwagon (although you'll have been able to keep up with via Twitter for an age now), and it's proving a great source for some serious entertainment as well as breaking news. There's been LOADS of talk over the last couple of days about some things called Comfort Wipes. Intruiged, and thinking to myself that these sounded like they could be some shiny new class of facial cleansing wipe, I took myself off to Google to check them out.

So, um, yeh. Turns out these Comfort Wipes yokes are definitely, positively not for your face. That idea was given the bum's rush when I discovered that they're actually, shall we say, personal hygiene products.


"For over a hundred years" laments the Comfort Wipe website, "we've been using toilet tissues the same way." Now thanks to Comfort Wipe, however, you can use 18" of an anatomically designed wand that fits the contours of your body (stay with me) to hold and use that bog roll in super sanitary fashion.

And the release button means you need never bother your backside actually touching toilet paper again.

Wow. How on earth did it take 100 years for them to come up with it, ha? And how long will it be before we see it on JML stands around the country?