Compeed for cold sores

Compeed for cold sores
By  | Apr 9, 2008

There are a lot of things I like about Compeed. It's an invisible treatment for cold sores and it starts to cool down that horrible burny, tingly feeling straight away.

Listen, cold sores are a sodding torture. Guaranteed to show up as soon as a hot date/big night out/wedding is on the horizon, they're horrible feckers.

Because they're caused by a recurring virus which we can never actually get rid of, the makers of Compeed decided to tackle the problem from another angle. Instead of treating the cause they would treat each outbreak - making it heal faster, feel more comfortable and stop it from spreading to other areas.


You put the little clear Compeed patch on the cold sore, sealing in the infection and instantly soothing it.

All the better for getting you back to your lipglossed best as soon as possible!

Who's tried Compeed? Any other tips for cold sore sufferers?