Confessions Of An Eye Shadow Hoarder: How Many Is Too Many? And What Is Your Holy Grail Shade?

Confessions Of An Eye Shadow Hoarder: How Many Is Too Many? And What Is Your Holy Grail Shade?
By  | Feb 5, 2014

I work in a retail store that stocks their own brand makeup and yesterday, while I was minding my own occupational business, I overheard a conversation between a woman and her mother that stopped me in my tracks.

It went a little something like this:

Woman: Oh look, they are selling off eyeshadows for one euro.
Mother: Aw that’s okay. I have an eyeshadow at home.

Me: *jaw drop*

An eyeshadow at home.
ONE eyeshadow at home.

I picked myself up off the floor and thought about this travesty. I couldn’t even decide what one shade I would choose if I were to only have ONE eyeshadow…

I am a fairly big beauty junkie (this may be a slight huge understatement). Collecting makeup and writing about it is my one and only true hobby so my collection is definitely larger than your average. But as I froze in work, watching the names of all of the eyeshadows I own flicker past in my head, their wonderful swatches illuminating my imagination, I wondered what number COULD be considered normal.


I am more of a palette girl than into single eyeshadows so here is a glimpse into my palette drawer so you get an idea of what we are talking about here…

The full extent of my problem is revealed….

And although I favour palettes, that doesn’t mean that I don’t own a few (read: a LOT of) single eyeshadows, as well as loose eyeshadow pigments. In fact, the thought of my stash was enough to put me off counting up my actual figure. That would be a day’s work in itself. However, after many of us recently divulging the amount of nail polish that we actually own,  I think it suffices to say that I am not alone in owning several more than ‘one’ eyeshadow.

So go on, spill, tell me your number and let me know if you are one of those saintly people who only owns the one! And if you HAD to keep just the one, what would it be?