Crimes against makeup in Sudan: Male Models found guilty

Crimes against makeup in Sudan: Male Models found guilty
By  | Dec 9, 2010

Now I know plenty of people are guilty of crimes against makeup - but actually being found guilty by a court is a whole different story. Pity the seven poor male models in the Sudanese Next Top Model competition who were found guilty of wearing makeup during a fashion show in Khartoum yesterday. "Indecent behaviour" decided the judge in this Muslim country, before fining the poor boys and also fining the woman who put the makeup on them. Allowing a woman to apply the makeup is also indecent apparently.

The maximum fine for this offence was 40 lashes and imprisonment but the kind hearted judge did not go this far.

Yes I know you can argue that this is a Muslim country and fair is fair. But it was a totally hypocritical judgment as Sudanese bigwigs (including religious preachers) regularly wear makeup for television appearances and that's accepted. So that argument goes out the window.


Imagine what they would have done if they got their hands on Bertie and his round the clock three makeup artists? Or Gok Wan? They'd never let him out of prison.

The whole cast of Twilight would have been f**cked as would Brandon Flowers and his heavy guyliner habit. And Daniel Craig would have to keep his Touche Eclat hidden very far down in his travel bag.

In fact every single western male celebrity and politician better hope and pray their flight is never accidentally re routed to Sudan.