Dermalogica Age Smart

Dermalogica Age Smart
By  | Jul 1, 2008

It's the future people.  The intelligent investment in your future skin.And it needed to happen. Dermalogica really needed to develope a range like AGE Smart. Up until now this fantastic brand was one that catered extremely well for younger skin - teens and twenties. Brilliant for men too of course.

But the problem was thus. Dermalogica's loyal fanbase was growing up.  And our their skin was starting to lose a little elasticity.  In short, they were finding that the skincare brand that served them so well in their younger years, just wasn't cutting the mustard any more in their thirties and forties.

Dermalogica wasn't doing anything to help counteract or prevent the signs of ageing.

Because this older fan base needed anti ageing ingredients. They needed antioxidants. They needed lactic acid and skin firmers and cell renewers and super rich moisturisers and nourishing cleansers.


Well it's happened people! Yay. Dermalogica's fastest selling range EVER.   And it's a massive range.

I've not been for an AGE Smart facial yet. But don't worry, it will be happening soon - and when it does I'll have the greatest pleasure in telling you all about it.

I know some of you have been using AGE Smart and loving it. Dish and tell us all about it!