Do You Snoop in Your Mates' Bathroom Cabinets?

Do You Snoop in Your Mates' Bathroom Cabinets?
By  | Oct 19, 2009

Chatting to some beauty ed pals recently, one confessed that she always looks in the bathroom cupboards of her mates when she visits them. I was a bit surprised, until, eh, I remembered I've done the same myself. And when I say 'look' I don't mean 'checked inside your tampon packet, counted how many contraceptive pills you've got left in this cycle, and read all the labels on the medicine you take for The Crazy'. I mean, I opened a door, had a glance, thought, "Ooo, Chanel," and shut it again.

I'm not that nosy.

Well, not really anyway.


So, do you do this? To add insult to injury - DO YOU THEN JUDGE BASED ON YOUR FINDINGS? Oh lets have at it in the comments!

Psst: if you do snoop in your pals' cupboards, I hope and pray you don't have blocky skunk highlights like yer wan above. Stock photography, eh? Both a blessing and a curse.