Want a Glamglow glow without the spends? We've the dupe for you

Want a Glamglow glow without the spends? We've the dupe for you
By Aisling Powell  | Dec 7, 2017

Glamglow is the Holy Grail of facemasks, but it may have competition in this pharmacy version that's a quarter of the price

It's like this week was the unofficial Mask Week here at Beaut HQ. We've been talking a lot about them. Sarah wrote about the Mineral & Ginger Warming Massage Detox Clay Mask from The Body Shop on Monday, and Linda wrote about another Body Shop mask, the Bouncy Sleep Mask, on Tuesday.

There has been a recent explosion of face masks on the market, and there are ones to suit all skin needs and issues. We are really into them (if you follow our Insta stories, you'd know). But whether you have a serious beauty routine or you do the odd face mask here and there, you most probably have heard of Glamglow.

Face masks don't always have to target issues, though, they can just maintain if you were just gifted with great skin. For the rest of us, although you can't change the components of your skin type, you can keep your pores clean and free of oil and dirt which makes the pores look smaller and keeps you from getting breakouts. A great way to do this is a clay based mask. Like the famous original Glamglow.

Glamglow Supermud 50g €41.65 (offer from Debenhams)

The product is made with active charcoal and literally pulls all the sebum, gunk and dirk out of your pores leaving your skin glowing and fresh looking for your foundation application.


If that pretty humungous price is just for a Christmas treat only, this mask targets the same issue for much less.

L'Oreal's Pure-Clay Detox & Brighten mask is an excellent substitute. Made with charcoal, it pulls all the dirt and blockages out of the skin leaving it prepped for your makeup. A little goes a long way with this so only use it weekly for oily skin or by weekly for normal.

It's becoming a bit of a cult classic in its own right, and along with the rest of the Pure-Clay kit, it won the Best in Beautie award for best mask this year.