Eddie Hobbs Investigates Shadow Quads

Eddie Hobbs Investigates Shadow Quads
By Beaut.ie  | Oct 18, 2007

On your left, ladies, oi have a lovely shadow quad by Japanese brand Shiseido, from their The Makeup Range. And on your right, oi have a fabillis quad by Boots brand Jemma Kidd. Now, guess which one you don't need a loan to afford?

That's right girls, those Japanese must think that they're still in the Bubble Economy they're so famous for. Well, LIVING in a feckin' bubble, says I. Mad you'd be now to spend THORTY FOIVE euro on it! For four little bits of colour! Sure I could do the same with some coal and flour, says you.


Much better value at about €24 is Jemma Kidd's Wardrobe Eye Colour Quartet. And you'd have more than enough left over for a subscription to my publication, You & Your Money, too.