Eye Primers to Stop the Slip

Eye Primers to Stop the Slip
By Beaut.ie  | Aug 13, 2015

This hasn't been the best summer weather-wise, but it has been rather humid, and humidity doesn't make for good eye makeup. At certain times of the year, and as we age, eyelids can become sticky or moist, causing eye makeup to migrate. Sparrows fecking off in winter is nothing to the distance a woman's eye makeup can wander on a sticky day. I've seen mascara up foreheads, and eyeshadow down cheeks.

At those times, a good eye primer makes a hell of a difference. For those of us with already sweaty or oily lids, a primer will give eye makeup a solid several extra hours of life. For those who find that eye makeup creases on a hot day, primer will keep makeup in place and flawless. It also intensifies the shades and textures of powder shadows. If in doubt, throw a spot of primer on your eyelids!

I'll always be honest in recommending products, and here at Beaut.ie, we always try to show you product choices at a range of prices. In this case, though, I'm not going to do that. I've never found a super affordable primer that I think works as well as some of the pricier ones. Of course, I haven't tried them all, so if you know of a great one, share it in the comments. Since primer is a 'problem-solving product', I think it's absolutely worth spending a little bit more on if it works. Here are some of the best:

  • Make Up For Ever Eye Prime (€20)

Professional makeup artist brands just have to focus more on solving makeup problems. MUFE offer a product called Aqua Seal, which will turn any formulation you have into a waterproof product. If that seems like too much hassle, their Eye Primer is relatively affordable at €20, and will grip your eye makeup all day.

  • Bare Minerals Prime Time Eyelid Primer (€19)

This primer leaves lids with a glossy golden sheen while giving some grip to powder shadows. The soft metallic glow this leave gives life to anything you apply over the top, but it's also just nice on its own as a subtle eye product.

  • NARS Smudge Proof Eyeshadow Base (€26)

Yes, this is the most expensive eye primer on the list, but it works - particularly for more mature skin which can have more movement of eye makeup. If you prefer a primer with lots of grip and no tint, this is the one for you. A little goes a very long way.

  • Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion (€21)

This is a classic. No eye primer list would be complete without primer potion. You get quite a lot of product for your €21, it lasts an age, and it comes in different finishes. Sin is particularly nice. You really can't go wrong with this one - it works for all ages and levels of eye oiliness!

Which is your holy grail primer? And have you found a really good affordable one? Tell us in the comments!