How Long Do You Hem & Haw Over Buying A New Makeup Item?

How Long Do You Hem & Haw Over Buying A New Makeup Item?
By Beaut  | Mar 19, 2015

When it comes to buying makeup, we're divided. When we pay our (twice) weekly visit to Penneys there's little to stop us from swooping up armfuls of Sally Hansen and Catrice and Essence stuff, not to mention the other little delights you randomly come across in the budget shopping haven.

Then, there are the things we have to deliberate on. One member of Team Beaut (can you guess which one?) spent a month or so visiting all the Estée Lauder stands in the city to figure out which shade of Double Wear was the exact match - and to compare and contrast what the sales people said. Interesting story that, but it's for another day.

When we are going to spend the big bucks on something we are going to wear on our face, we tend to spend a bit of time thinking about it. We ask ourselves silly questions like, "Do I really need it?" - of course we do! - and good questions such as, "Will it live up to our expectations?" - and that's the catch.


There's nothing worse than spending hard earned cash on something that doesn't deliver. Thinking about some past experiences of that kind is bringing on the cold sweats. Must. Stop. 

So, how long do you spend thinking about the purchase of a new makeup product? Have you had any disappointing experiences? What was your best buy that you spent ages weighing up the pros and cons for months on end before?