It's not clever and it sure ain't Pretty. Hair removal for 10 year olds?

It's not clever and it sure ain't Pretty.  Hair removal for 10 year olds?
By  | Jan 11, 2008

From comes this story of a waxing product aimed at the impressionable tweeny market.

"Last year Nair, makers of hair-removal products, released their Pretty range, aimed at 10 to 15-year-olds, or, as they call them, "first-time hair removers". Yes, you heard right. Ten-year-olds. Girls — children — in grades 5 and 6, encouraged to wax and chemically remove hair from their barely pubescent bodies. As online site Gawker put it, what's next: Baby Brazilians?"


You wha'? Because when I was that age I:
a) wouldn't have had any hair to be removed anyway.
b) was more preoccupied with other things. I identify totally with the author when she says: "When I was a teenager, George Michael was heterosexual and bubble skirts were de rigueur"

Nair be ashamed of yourself, this is ridiculous. Read the full story here.