Lee Stafford Wet Hair Comb: Fandabbydozy

Lee Stafford Wet Hair Comb: Fandabbydozy
By Beaut.ie  | Sep 11, 2009

We all know how important it is to be careful when handling wet hair. Damp strands are extremely fragile and really susceptible to stretching, breaking and even being pulled out altogether, so it's a bad idea to rub hair vigorously or reef a brush through it after washing.

All of which is well and good, unless you like to use a comb to distribute conditioner evenly when you're actually in the shower or need to detangle your wet hair afterwards before it dries into crazy lady matted clumps. Sure, you could use a wide-toothed comb, but lots of those have a sharp "seam" that runs the length of the teeth from the moulds the plastic form was poured into. This is inclined to snag like a mo' fo', which sort of defeats the whole notion of them being kind to wet hair, don't you think?


Lee Stafford must have been thinking along the same lines when he came up with his (deep breath) Destress The Mess Wet Detangle Comb. It's super-wide toothed but has none of those pesky seams, not a one, and has a silky smooth soft-touch grip that slips through wet hair without any friction whatsoever.

I love it, and you can get one of your very own to cherish from Boots for in or around six quid.