Lipgloss to prevent date rape: using fear to sell a product. Nice one

Lipgloss to prevent date rape: using fear to sell a product. Nice one
By  | Apr 13, 2010

I have to say with the amount of email pitches looking for a mention on the site that we receive every day it takes a lot to make me sit up and notice.

And this one did it - but for all the wrong reasons.

It told me all about a new lipgloss line. "2 Love My Lips is not only a new premium quality lip gloss, it is a tool for all modern women in todays social scene. So next time you step out to party - look gorgeous and stay in control!"

So how ladies shall we stay in control while looking gorgeous? Why every lipgloss has one date rape drug card included. But a crap one at that. One that doesn't detect Rohypnol and doesn't work with tonic water, some juices and creamy drinks (like Baileys). In fact the site advises that you buy your own drinks to make sure they haven't been tampered with.


In other words the strip is feckin useless and you'd be better off doing what Mammy always advised. Avoid creeps who try to buy you drinks, buy your own drinks at the bar and don't go off and leave your drinks unattended. And stay with a gang of girls who'll all look out for each other.

This is a bog standard lipgloss that uses fear as a selling tactic. And in fact uses fear as its unique selling point.

Think I'll most definitely pass on this one. Don't sell date rape spikes with lipgloss, people. Sell them on their own.