Lipstick on His Collar: Ever Seen Such a Thing?

Lipstick on His Collar: Ever Seen Such a Thing?
By  | Jun 23, 2009

Lipstick on your collar told a tale on you
Lipstick on your collar said you were untrue
Bet your bottom dollar you and I are through
Cuz lipstick on you collar told a tale on you, yeah

Was the refrain sung by Connie Francis back in the 1950s, but truly, it was a more innocent time.

I honestly cannot remember a female friend sobbing on my shoulder over an alleged incident of infidelity involving a Brylcreamed beau coming home after one too many martinis, complete with a red-lipsticked pout smackered on his starched shirt.


So I'm asking you, ladies of 2009, do you think it could happen?

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