Organic Shower Gel #3 Lavera Body Spa: mmm juicy fruity goodness

Organic Shower Gel #3 Lavera Body Spa: mmm juicy fruity goodness
By  | Aug 14, 2008

My organic shower gel series is drawing to a close. Oh no! It can't be finishing, I hear you wail.

It was the highlight of our week, some of you may sob.

Anyway ditch the sarcasm people and hold on to the handrail for I have saved the best for last.

They were all fruity, yummy and literally bursting with juciness. But the Lavera is by far the juciest and yummiest. I've lathered my way through the orange 'flavour' -totally divine.

In the interests of fairness I tested only orangey/citrussy gels (which by a happy "coincidence" are my favourites). Then comparing and contrasting - and backing up with examples - in the true spirit of my Leaving Certificate years I compared organic credentials.


All three organic gels did well, I liked them all (click on the links to read my reviews), so I will rate them in a handy cut out n keep format :

  • Essential Care: impeccable organic credentials, soft subtle fragrance.
  • Organic Surge : inexpensive and fresh - a favourite with the husband can you believe
  • Lavera: I said I liked them all, but I liked this one the best. Fantastic organic brand, this wins all the awards for a reason. Yummers.

You can buy the Lavera shower gel in a host of 'flavours', together with it's matching body lotion for around €16 - €17 for the two (V good price). Buy from good health stores or online from faves LoveLula or EvenOne.

Now what do you suggest I investigate for my next series? What would you like me to daringly try. (Note: I will only accept suggestions of niceness - e.g. no hair removal creams, for I will tell you now all of them stink and I hate them).