Essence Vintage District Collection: review, pics, swatches

Essence Vintage District Collection: review, pics, swatches
By  | Jan 22, 2013


We might all be tightening our belts this January but this is one spring collection we can safely indulge in without the remotest fear of breaking the bank. Better yet, with its shades of rusty red, peach, grey and brown it's the perfect colour palette to put some pop into our pale wintery complexions.


The blusher is a little gem - it has a gold overspray to give skin a bit of a glow. We're always banging on about how this sort of shade does wonders for the typical Celtic complexion, brightening and generally prettifying the face. Available in #01 It’s Popul-Art, the fact that it's €4.09 is an added bonus!


If you fancied the look, but not the price tag, of some of the fancy mani effects we've seen a lot of recently, then this should be of interest. Two nail art decoration kits are included in the collection and for just €3.09 each you can experiment to your heart's content with sequin, caviar, glitter effects and more - amazeballs!



The last piece I have here is one of three speckled effect eyeshadows  - this silver is  03 Get Arty, and it's also available in a peach, 01 I'm so retro, and a blue (02 Shopping @ Portobello Road). The soft texture and decent pay-off are all the more amazing when you factor in the €2.49 price tag.


Nail polish,  gel eyeliner and two lipstick-and-gloss duos round out the collection. The brand also has some exciting new releases up its sleeve -  watch this space for news on everything that's due to hit stands in the coming months!

As for this little lot though, it's all out now - anything tickling your fancy?