New Glitz from Too Faced

New Glitz from Too Faced
By  | Aug 23, 2007

D.I.S.C.O...D.I.S.C.O is what the new range of Shimmer Veils from Too Faced is screaming at me, camply.

The six glitter-loaded shades are the most sparkly things I've ever seen - seriously for the brave. You can apply over shadow or use alone, for a very definite dramatic look, but something tells me these babies aren't going to come into their own until Christmas time. And while the pink is a bit frightening (like having glamorous conjunctivitis), I think the green and gold could be goers, depending of course, on how you wear them. Along the lashline - oh yes. Up to the brow a la a Sky Newsreader - oh no no no no, as Churchill would say.


Shimmer Veils will set you back about €18 from Too Faced stockists.