New Organic Companies in Ireland

New Organic Companies in Ireland
By  | Nov 9, 2006

One of the main focuses behind this blog is that it should be as Irish as possible. We're sort of trapped in a limbo of UK concessions here, who are very very happy to take our cash and equally happy to not support us whatsoever in terms of websites and online shopping with Euro pricing. So when Aphrodite and I set up the site we were determined that we'd only feature stuff that was sold here, or you could get shipped here via mail order. And even better than that, we knew we'd also love to feature stuff that was actually made here too.

So I am delighted to tell you all about two new Irish organic companies, Nadur Organics and Flourish. I'll be blogging more about them both and their wares soon, but I wanted to introduce them to you all now. Have a look at their sites and ooh and ahh over their luscious sounding products, and visit us soon for our verdicts (which I can already tell by reading the websites, will be good!).
