Helena Bonham Carter Canoodling With a Giant Dead Fish

Helena Bonham Carter Canoodling With a Giant Dead Fish
By Beaut.ie  | Feb 15, 2015

On Monday, a co-worker of mine (who shall remain nameless) exclaimed that he was happy with Helena Bonham Carter's recent appearance, because "She's looked like she's had a wash." Clearly it was in preparation for her impending nude photo shoot involving her cradling a giant tuna betwixt her bosom.

Let's just focus on the fact that the tuna is lolling there and not other areas for reasons too crude/obvious to repeat here. Indeed, it is very early in the morning to be addressing such things - and, in some instances, no time is a good time.

Needless to say, Twitter has gone into overdrive. Some are happy to see something salacious that doesn't involve Fifty Shades of Grey...

... while some are well over it already...


While others are doing a fine job addressing the glaringly obvious...

Either way, if you were planning on enjoying a tuna melt for lunch, Helena Bonham Carter has given you something to think about...

In all seriousness though, is a naked woman cradling a tuna the best way of raising awareness for mercury levels and overfishing? Sure, we're all talking about it, but are we still so basic that we need naked women to highlight things? In this day and age, surely there's an alternative...?