POLL: Jabbered on the jacks? Texted on the toilet?

POLL: Jabbered on the jacks? Texted on the toilet?
By Beaut.ie  | Apr 28, 2013

It’s been all over the news in the last week that Irish people are so addicted to being online that we can’t bear for a waking second to pass without logging on and checking out what’s going on.

Well it stands to reason really doesn’t it?  We love to talk.  Irish people actually never shut up.  Social media just give us another outlet for our ceaseless blather and blarney.

But one statistic did cause me to raise my eyes in disbelief.  Only 27% of the Eircom survey admitted to using their phone while on the toilet.


I think the figure is a lot higher.  I remember my first incidence of someone talking to me while on the jacks, years ago.  We were working on a group assignment in college and were on the phone to one another constantly.  In the middle of one conversation I noticed that he sounded a little… strained… for a moment and then was back to normal.

And then I heard the sound of FLUSHING!


“Are you taking to me… on the jacks?” I asked him in disbelief.

“Sure” he said “Why not?”

“Why not? WHY NOT!?  Because it’s gross!  And you were doing a NUMBER TWO weren’t you?”

You know what? He didn’t care.  And now lots more people do it.  Tell us – honestly – have you used the phone when you’ve been tinkling?  I bet the results will be higher than 27%!

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