Rainbow brights with Crayola nails and Skittles manicures

Rainbow brights with Crayola nails and Skittles manicures
By Beaut.ie  | Jun 30, 2012

It's Dublin Pride weekend and the streets are alive with rainbow coloured banners and decorations.  If you can't make it to the parade what better way to show your support then by DIYing a good old Skittles manicure.

One of the best things about the Skittles mani is that is is just so flippin easy to do.  Plus you'll use up dregs of polish lying around in half finished bottles.  Paint each nail a different colour - the brighter the better - and whack a good shiny topcoat over the lot.  Read more from Lynnie on the subject here.


If you like the look of this new Crayola edition (and lets face it, it's an absolute genuis idea - look at that packaging) a box of minis is $12 online.  Plus Crayola have also developed coloured bath products, nail stickers, Hair Stix (literally crayons to colour your hair temporarily), coloured Bath Dropz and lipglosses.  Lots of the range is only available in Walmart and and the packaging of the other products doesn't look great - but this box of Minis does.

Have a happy Pride everyone!

Crayola image via nydailynews.com