Rate it: best skincare for young skin

Rate it: best skincare for young skin
By Beaut.ie  | Mar 23, 2010

We've noticed that we're being asked about products for young skin more and more - and while we do our best to cover everything, there's an actual reason that we don't write about younger skin as much. The focus in the cosmetics industry is heavily biased towards anti ageing and anti wrinkle hocus pocus and jiggery pokery. Sadly this does means that we end up writing about anti ageing more, because there're tons of new products and scientific advances in this category.

Whatever the reason, that's no good to you when you've got young skin and you don't need to use these heavy duty creams and cleansers and want to hear more about what's good for you, goddammit.

The good news is that cosmetic companies have copped on to this in a big way and are now producing good-quality products for teenage and early twenty something skin. Times were when the only thing you could get was a big nasty bottle of blue Clearasil that dried out your skin faster than a melon in the Sub Sahara.


Now thankfully there're loads of products that are great for young skin - and we'll give you a run down of some of the ones we've reviewed soon. But first we want to know what's working for you and what you rate.

Go on, it's good to share!