Rate It: Do You Moisturise Your Neck?

Rate It: Do You Moisturise Your Neck?
By Beaut.ie  | Apr 28, 2008

An oft-quoted fact is that the skin on the neck has no sebaceous oil glands, and therefore needs careful attention: but actually, that's not true. Our faces, necks, backs and chest are the areas where sebaceous oil glands are most numerous. But we should still be moisturising the skin there - if we take care of our faces, it makes sense to run some product down the neck and onto the decollete. Who wants to end up with the face of an angel and the neck of Deirdre from Corrie, eh?


So my question is, do you gals pay strict attention to the skin on your neck? Do you religiously tend to it as part of your routine, or do you sorta-kinda half-heartedly thrun a wee bit of moisturiser at it every now and then? Or - shock horreur - do you perhaps never give it a second thought?