Rate It: Do You Tap, Blow or Flick?

Rate It: Do You Tap, Blow or Flick?
By Beaut.ie  | Oct 13, 2009

Tapping, blowing and flicking are three methods used by makeup artists the land over, but I'm not talking about their application techniques.

Nope, those three things are what MUAs do when they've loaded up their brushes with shadow, powder and blush, to remove any excess. Me? I'm a tapper, into the sink usually. I reckon blowing on brushes is a tad icky - especially if you're then going to put that laden-with-your-spit-molecules brush onto someones face.


But I observed a makeup artist last week smartly flicking his finger against a loaded brush, which knocked the extra powder off very efficiently, so I reckoned this crucial-to-the-state-of-beauty issue warranted a Rate It.

Lets get on with it, so: how do you remove excess product from your brushes?