REN Neroli and Grapefruit Body Wash and Body Cream

REN Neroli and Grapefruit Body Wash and Body Cream
By  | Jul 27, 2011

Way back in the mists of time, when I still believed in the possibility of there being an actual Summer in Ireland, I looked at my dry, ashy arms and legs and thought "Something has to be done about this". I wasn't anticipating that I'd still be wearing my black opaques in July and, feeling like a bit of luxury after a few months of using unscented Elave products, I decided to splash out on REN Neroli and Grapefruit Body Wash, €19, and Body Cream, €25, (as you can see from the picture, this was previously called Grapeseed, Jojoba and Shea Butter Body Cream).

The Body Wash, formulated with Neroli Oil distilled from Tunisian Orange Blossom and cold pressed Grapefruit Oil, has a fresh, fruity fragrance with faintly floral notes. It foams up easily (despite the absence of harsh foaming ingredients) and you don't need a lot of it, which is a good thing - at this price you don't want to fly through a bottle in a week or two. My sensitive skin wasn't at all bothered by it, and even when I was lazy and didn't apply body cream afterwards, it didn't dry my skin out.


The Body Cream, which hydrates and nourishes with jojoba oil, shea butter and grape seed oil, is also a pleasure to use. The silky cream has a delicate citrus fragrance and sinks in easily, leaving my skin smooth and soft, but not greasy and the hydrated feeling really lasts. Like the Body Wash, a small amount goes a long way.

Regular use of the body wash and cream have resulted in much happier skin for me. The dry itchiness on my shins and upper arms has disappeared and my arms and legs look much smoother and the skintone is much better. You'll have to take my word for it, of course, as they're still well covered on a daily basis. I hear we're definitely getting a heatwave in August, though...