Rimmel Lash Accelerator Endless Mascara - claims are a bit OTT

Rimmel Lash Accelerator Endless Mascara - claims are a bit OTT
By Beaut.ie  | Mar 11, 2013

It's almost impossible for a new mascara to stand out any more.  They're launched onto the market at the rate of approx one per second and the main point of difference between the supermarket brands seems to be the screamingly loud colours the tubes come in.

But there are differences between them - and there's often a pretty quick way of telling what that might be.

The more fluro and louder the tube the bigger the volume promised.  Not always of course, this is a massive generalisation, but I'm sure you can think of a few examples.

So what does this mascara have that makes it stand out from the rest of the pack?  Well quite apart from its visual selling points - the supermodel, the bright yellow tube - it makes some pretty impressive claims.

The Claim: instantly lashes appear 99% longer
The Truth: they don't.   They may look a little longer but that's because this mascara is full of fibres and what those fibres really do is bulk out your lashes.  They look fuller and blacker.  They also flake.  They can also get into your eyes and drive you crazy.

Apparently these are "micro-fibres".   I swiped the mascara along my hand and I could see the fibres standing up - or so I thought.  Then I realised that the lash catching brush had indeed caught every hair it could -  the tiny invisible hairs on the back of my hand had been thrown into relief like something from the Planet of the Apes.


The effect is as far from subtle as you can get - but if you want a really full on look then that's exactly what you're going to get.  Beware of applying too many coats though - Lash Accelerator (€9.95) likes to clump.

The Claim
The lash catching brush has a 360° application so that no lash is left uncovered.

The Truth
Well it does catch the lashes - but 360° application!  Oh come on.  Why is business speak worming its way into mascara claims?  Perhaps it works best in Q2 with a sustained social media campaign which "reaches out" to lashes to catch them at the top of the sales spike.  Or something.

The Claim
With Rimmel's exclusive GROW-LASH Complex of Procapil, Keratin and Antioxidants each lash is conditioned day after day not only strengthening but also enhancing their natural growth.

The Truth
No idea actually if this is  true, or a load of made up hocus pocus.  It does smack very much of  "covering all bases" (see 360° mascara wand claim above).

So now all we need is for this mascara to be able to drive a car and graduate with an MBA for us and we're sorted!

Has anyone tried this out?  What did you make of it?