Rimmel Scandal Eyes Thick and Thin Eyeliner: Great On Paper, Not So Good On Human Eyelid

Rimmel Scandal Eyes Thick and Thin Eyeliner: Great On Paper, Not So Good On Human Eyelid
By Beaut.ie  | Aug 12, 2013

For years of my life, lashings of black eyeliner was my daytime look. I didn’t feel dressed without it. The lines got thicker and thicker as I went on, I was constantly on the lookout for new, better, blacker liners. They become addictive.  So I was expecting to enjoy testing Rimmel’s new offering, Scandal Eyes Eyeliner (€6.99) but sweet lord, was I wrong.

I HATE to besmirch the name of a great brand like Rimmel. Their clear lip-gloss was my first EVER makeup purchase, so we’ve got history, plus they’ve got great value products that really work. Its pretty rare I’d have a bad word to say about them. But Scandal Eyes Thick and Thin Eyeliner are beyond useless.

It’s a waterproof, felt eyeliner with a ‘3D applicator’, so far so good, Rimmel, you’ve intrigued me in with your promises. I’m a practiced and confident user of eyeliner so I went for a nice bold thick graphic line, the liner dragged and pulled and barely made a mark.

Ok, first applications can be tricky; maybe the liner hadn’t made its way to the nib yet. Queue ten minutes of vigorous liner shaking, which had absolutely no effect whatsoever. Bah.


Ok, ok, MAYBE I had a dried out version? Maybe the lid hadn’t been on correctly and the air had gotten in and destroyed all the coal black loveliness? I tested this theory by trying the liner on a page of my notebook. I got perfectly clear black lines.

Ugh, the frustration! Here are my main bones of contention with Scandal Eyes:

  • Not Designed for Human Eyes - I like a liner I can run neatly along the lash line, so as I don’t end up with a gap between the line and the lashes. To do this you need a certain amount of flexibility in the applicator, and this yoke is as stiff as a post.
  • Not Designed for Human Skin - Probably because it's a felt tip pen - its got pigment that looks great on a page and just doesn't work on eyelids.
  • Not Black Enough - The pigment that's there on the page ISNT BLACK ENOUGH!
  • Not Waterproof - I think there may be quite a lot of so-called 'waterproof' products out there that are living a lie, and this is one of them, it smudged with the slightest dampening!

My frustration with this knows no bounds! Has anyone else tried Scandal Eyes? And did you have better luck than me!?