So hot it's scorchio! Benefit Smokin' Eyes

So hot it's scorchio! Benefit Smokin' Eyes
By  | Mar 26, 2009

Yes I know we had a Benefit post yesterday - but now we MUST have another one - for I have been delivered of my brand spankin not-yet-in-the-shops new Smokin Eyes kit!

A sentence worthy of an exclamation mark I'm sure you'll agree. There's nothing better than a beautifully presented little Benefit box of tricks - and this one is literally stuffed to the gills with useful and beaut.ieful goodies. Here's what you're getting:
# eye bright
# pink highlight shadow
# pewter base shadow
# deep charcoal shadow
# smokin' liner
# brow zings wax
# 2 brushes (fluff shadow & hard angle)
# mini tweezers
# beauty lesson booklet yoke

It's the mini tweezers that gets me. The cuteness! I think you'll concur that they've thought of absolutely everything for the attainment and perfection of those peepers. Although this hasn't hit our shops yet it is available to buy online for $36.

And here's something to get really excited about. Next week we have FIVE of these babies to give away! I'm not telling you when - but I'm telling you where - HERE!


Watch the blog (plus of course Facebook and Twitter) like a hawk next week, for lightning may strike at any time. It could be a Fastest Finger First. Or if we're feeling like it we could be kind and leave the comp open for longer. Who knows what we'll do?

Smokin Eyes is available online $36