Spring Cleaning, Beaut.ie-style

Spring Cleaning, Beaut.ie-style
By Beaut.ie  | Jan 15, 2010

The recent inclement weather conditions had me confined to the house more than usual, and as I tried unsuccessfully to fit some new makeup purchases into my Muji storage drawers, I realised it was time to do a Spring clean of my beauty shelves while I had the time.

I have a terrible tendency to hoard makeup, even when it comes to things I use very rarely, if ever at all, but when I counted back and realised that I was still holding onto lipglosses that were five years old, I knew it was time for them to go. The same went for lipsticks that smelled a bit off when I opened the tubes - they weren't completely rancid, but if they didn't smell quite right to me, into the bin they went.

One or two bottles of foundation had separated when I examined them closely, so it was goodbye to them too. A few eye liners which weren't really flattering on also bit the dust, but an appointment with the pencil sharpener saved the well-loved ones and had them looking fresh and new again. And while powder products that still looked fine and which I'll still wear could be kept, I got rid of any older cream products which were looking past their best.

Having tidied out the makeup drawers, skincare was next.


Too many half-empty bottles were gathering dust in the bathroom - all products I didn't like very much, but didn't have the heart to dump earlier. However, knowing I had plenty of firm favourites which are very much in use, it was time to say goodbye to anything I didn't favour, so into the bin they went. Suddenly my bathroom shelf was looking clean and orderly (and a lot less dusty!), making it much easier to find what I was looking for when I wanted it.

Doing a big clear-out like this had the unexpected benefit of helping to unearth some gems which I'd almost forgotten I had, which was as good as buying something new. And it also made me vary up my weekday makeup - instead of sticking to the one look every day, I was trying out new things daily and getting excited all over again about products I hadn't used in a while. Much like clearing out your wardrobe, it felt great to get rid of anything I didn't love and focus instead on what I really enjoy wearing and what I know looks good on.

So tell us, have you been doing any beauty-related Spring cleaning yet, or do you keep your collection neat and tidy all year around?