Style Chameleon Vs. Fashion Fearful: Are You Stuck In A Style Rut?

Style Chameleon Vs. Fashion Fearful: Are You Stuck In A Style Rut?
By  | Feb 10, 2014

Social media was all a-twitter last week with the news that The Cure are to release a new album very soon. The teenager in me clapped her hands but what caught my eye was Robert Smith and his grand head of hair. Now I know that Bob couldn't give a flying  monkeys what I think of his style; and no one could accuse him of not being consistent because he has had the EXACT same style for the last thirty years.

So maybe he has more in common with us than we initially might have thought - a recent study of 2,000 women showed that sixty percent rarely change the way they dress, do their makeup or hair.

The study claimed that the average woman changes her makeup look just once every twelve years. Sure, it's great when you find something that works for you and it becomes your signature style but when does this veer into stuck-in-a-style-rut territory?

I'll just go for the usual backcombed back and sides please

Two-thirds of these women revealed that the reason behind their style conformity was a lack of confidence. They feared how their partner / friends / work colleagues might react. It seems our reluctance to change it up is linked to self-esteem and the feeling of being in control.

People's lives move on but sometimes the contents of their wardrobes and makeup bags remain static. The same products or styles are replenished time and time again, regardless of trend, changing body shape, advancing years or lifestyle changes. I'm not suggesting that there are a rigid set of rules that should be adhered to at different stages of our lives. In fact, it's quite the opposite - find what works for you as you are NOW, without being shackled to the cosmetics or clothes of yore for no reason other than nostalgia, practicality or ease.


Sometimes we just identify with a particular time in our lives that made us really happy, and we cling to whatever look we were rocking during that era, like a denim or shoulder-padded comfort blanket.

Stuck in a style rut? Liz Hurley, Jerry Hall, Jennifer Aniston

Even celebrities take a stumble in their Louboutins into this trend trap. Liz Hurley is a fan of the smokey eye, nude lip, faux fur shrug hiding cleavage and split-to-the-thigh dresses. Jerry gives great hair and she ain't afraid to show it.  And Jennifer Aniston recently went for a shaggy bob but days later the extensions were back in.

But then there are the celebrities who keep us guessing - love 'em or hate 'em, they know how to mix it up.

Now t helps that they have teams of stylists, hairdressers, makeup artists, people to run out and buy their lunch / pick up their dry cleaning. But for us mere mortals, here are some quick and easy ways to update a look:

  • Try a fringe - blunt, side, sweeping, your hairdresser can recommend what suits your face shape best
  • Change hair colour by two or three shades
  • Treat yourself to a makeover at a cosmetics counter, you'll see what shades and tones they pick for you
  • Have your brows groomed professionally, the fastest way to make a difference to your look
  • Book an appointment with a personal shopper. These are offered free in many shops, you just need to reserve in advance

Style chameleons. Clockwise from bottom left: Rihanna, Rooney Mara, Carey Mulligan, Lady Gaga, Victoria Beckham

Are you someone who likes to experiment with their look? Or do you believe in the old adage of 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'? Would you love to try something new but are just a bit apprehensive about the hairdressers scissors? And what are your tips for changing your style without frightening the neighbours?