Ten things to do before you die: what's on your list?

Ten things to do before you die: what's on your list?
By Beaut.ie  | Apr 5, 2011

If you're anything like me then you've got a secret list tucked away of all the things and all the places you want to go to before you shuffle off this mortal coil.

It changes with time of course.  I've pretty much given up the dream of being a global rock star (despite the fact that I can't sing or play an instrument), winning an Oscar or sailing round the world single handed.  But I have done tons of the things I wanted to do - write a book, see the Acropolis at dawn, Koh Samui by boat - actually a lot of them were travel related and totally brilliant.

But my dreams of becoming a millionaire are still there (preferably by winning the Lotto or other easy route). Machu Picchu still hasn't been ticked off - oh and I haven't been to Australia yet - that definitely has to be next.


What about you - what's on your list?