The Curious Incident of the Wrinkles in the Night-Time

The Curious Incident of the Wrinkles in the Night-Time
By  | Jan 6, 2007

In Roisin Ingle's piece in today's Irish Times Magazine she's talking about how, all of a sudden, she looked into the mirror after her work night out, and was horrified to find that she'd suddenly developed some very prominent wrinkles below her eyes. Luckily it turned out to be mostly hangover induced, and went away after a few days.

While I laughed at her sorry tale, I also sympathised - because this happened to me recently too. Readers, it was truly a horrific and scary experience. Bear with me while I tell you my frightening tale - those of a sensitive nature may choose to look away. Now.

A few weeks ago I got out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom (my bathroom is basically a room of mirrors. I didn't really consider how I'd feel about this each morning/when hungover/using the loo when I designed it, but hey.) and nearly died when I caught sight of my face (from several angles) - there were HUGE GOUGES below my eyes. I actually did scream, loudly. Himself rushed in, thinking I'd murderised myself, or similar. I weakly pointed to the affected area in a dramatic Victorian melodrama manner, and he generously denied seeing any difference, but he was just being kind. Because I actually looked like ET.

I went into panic mode, began slathering my face with ungents, lotions and potions. I applied nourishing masks, eye creams, face creams, E45 cream. I did Eve Lom style exercises, put cooling compresses over the affected area, cried, wept and moaned.


I must point out that I don't have a problem with wrinkles per se. I admire women who wear theirs well, because they tell of a life lived. But here, I didn't think I'd have to cope with mine, well, quite so soon.

As it turned out, my experience was much like Ms. Ingle's. My frightening facial Grand Canyons turned out to be as a result of a sinus condtion I have, which caused the tissue round my eyes to swell, the cold weather and just a need to moisturise a bit better. After a few days TLC they went away. But it was a lesson well learned. I was pretty lax about eye creams before and now - well, they're an essential as far as I'm concerned.

So with that in mind, I'll be doing a few pieces on treating the delicate eye area in the near future. Check back soon!