Too Faced Lashlight Mascara: Me Likey

Too Faced Lashlight Mascara: Me Likey
By  | Mar 12, 2010

How I have managed this long without a light-up product in my arsenal?! Well, now I've seen the light (ho ho) thanks to Too Faced Lashlight Mascara, €28.50. Expecting it to be just pure gimmicky rubbish, if handy for back-of-a-taxi emergency mascara application with its light up ways and inbuilt mirror, I didn't have high hopes.

Contrary to my expectations, however, this mascara is vay nice. The click-on, click-off LED light spotlights every last weeny lash so you don't miss a one, and the tapered brush makes it easy to get  right in at even the smallest lashes. There isn't much by way of volume going on here, although a second coat did bulk lashes up a bit, but Lashlight does well on the lengthening and separation fronts. It's also good for holding a curl. The mascara formula sounds intriuging - it contains millions of microscopic mirrors that apparently cause light to bounce off lashes for the deepest, jet-black finish to make eyes look brighter and whiter.


Now, I dunno about the weeny mirrors but I am liking this mascara for daytime eyes. And for its gadgety appeal. I just love that it has its own little lights!