4 immune boosting essential oils our Beauty Ed swears by

4 immune boosting essential oils our Beauty Ed swears by
By Aisling Powell  | Dec 1, 2017

People are coughing and spluttering all over the place right now. To avoid getting the Christmas sickness, we invest in essential oils

With the Christmas period coming fast upon us we are all busy burning the candle at both ends. When you are both working hard and playing hard, our health suffers. And no one wants to be sick over the Christmas holiday.

This year you might want to look into something new and different. Well, actually it's old  - very old. Essential oils have been around for centuries, aiding all sorts of ailments from anxiety to arthritis, viruses and fungus. Essential oils are in fact some the most effective methods for fighting both bacterial and viral infections.

The best part is that they are a natural derivative from plants and 50 times more powerful than herbs. So, if you are looking for a natural solution to boost your immunity over the Christmas break here are the four essential oils I invest in.


Clove oil has one of the highest levels of antioxidants in it, so it's hugely cleansing for the body. It's been used by dentists for years to disinfect and keep the teeth and gums clean. But clove oil is not just for teeth. Due to its huge level of antioxidants, it is 1 million times more powerful than blueberries. And I thought it was the whisky in hot toddies that killed the infection. Oops.

Melaleuca (Tea Tree) 

This oil is renowned for its cleansing, rejuvenating and healing effects on the skin. It promotes a healthy immune function and protects against environmental and seasonal threats. This oil is anti fungal and anti viral when used properly.


Frankincense is the king of the oils. It has extraordinary health benefits and can be used for the skin, too, for soothing and for a healthy cellular function. It's anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory, and it promotes feelings of peace, satisfaction, and overall wellness. No wonder it was given to baby Jesus.


Beyond the kitchen, this oil can be taken for many ailments. It's highly cleansing and offers powerful antioxidants. It can help maintain a healthy immune function, supports healthy digestion and respiratory function. It's antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral.

A combination of these four oils can be all taken together to form a natural antibiotic. Unlike antibiotics, they can actually penetrate the cell wall and kill seasonal threats inside and outside your cells.

My favourite oils are Doterra Essential Oils, medicinal grade oils that are safe for internal usage. Not all essential oils are of this quality, that's why I stick to this brand exclusively.

If you want more information on Doterra (and a 25% discount on your first purchase along with a free class all about essential oils), you can get in touch with me right here.